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3101 Watson Lake Road, Prescott, AZ

Four miles north of downtown  this beautiful park allows access to Watson Lake and the Boulders of the granite Dells. 

Though swimming is prohibited, you can still enjoy many other activities like boating, fishing, hiking, kayaking, canoeing, camping and rock climbing. 

There is a $3 fee per vehicle admission to enter the park. Wednesdays parking is free.

Boat rentals are located at the south ramp. 


2900 S Goldwater Lake Road, Prescott, AZ

Though it’s a smaller size lake, there are many ways to enjoy it, specially kayaking with us.

To get there go south on Mount Vernon Street which becomes Senator Highway, about four miles to the entrante of the lake. Turn right and park in the desígnated parking spots only. There is a small parking fee of $3 per vehicle and an annual pass is available.


4505 East Forest Service Road, Prescott, AZ 86303


From Prescott, AZ: East on Hwy 69, pass shopping mall on right, at light go right (south) on Walker Rd. (by Costco). South on Walker Rd for approximately 2.5 miles. Turn left (towards Lynx Lake North Shore). The footpath entrance to the Lynx Lake Marina will be on the right side of this road BEFORE you get to the Lynx Lake Cafe. The Path is found behind the Gate with the red and White striped signs. Follow it down to the Lake Shore line and you will see us there. Please DO NOT PARK at the cafe because you will be towed. Additional parking is available for a fee, except Wednesdays which are free, at the North Shore parking area located at the dead-end past the café. Note, you will have to walk down a dirt footpath to the marina and wheelchair accessability is difficult. Also, please note we are NOT operating at the South Shore parking area and all equipment must be returned from where we launch you from. Please see the detailed Maps and information on where to park below, prior to arrival. 

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